Sunday, July 27, 2008

Turning 180

So, my running went to a screaming hault when my husband told me one day that he wanted a divorce. Out of the blue. But, I've taken the anger I felt from his irresponsibility with my emotions and life and turned it into something productive and positive. I have been running like a champ lately and it feels great. One thing I have learned through this is that you can't control anyone else's actions but your own. And it's an obvious lesson, but I have really felt it this time around.

Anyways, I got accepted on a marathon team for the Air Force, so I have to really gear in on my training. The marathon is on Sept. 20. My goal is to get under 4 hours and if I continue with this determination I will do it. Being a part of the team for the Air Force has shown me how far I have come in my dedication and training to running. It feels great!!!

Yesterday's run was 13 miles. I don't have the stats right with me, but this next weekend I'll be shooting for 15 miles. Wish me luck!!