Monday, August 10, 2009

There are days...

There are days when I'm feeling pretty good about myself. I'm not too tired, I feel healthy, have energy that I normally don't have...then I look in the mirror and I'm stunned at what I see. Is that ME?? I look swollen. I have bags under my eyes. Is that MORE cellulite?!?

I'm beginning to think that this is just the side effects of growing older. I work out harder, I eat better, and yet, it's still hard to lose that last bit of fat right around my arse. Hmph! To be young again, right? Well, this is what has got me to thinking. If I feel great, then it shouldn't really matter about that extra bit of cellulite around the back of my thighs. I will continue to run, lift, and eat right so I can continue to feel great. If the weight comes off, then it comes off. I have decided to not let it discourage me into a pint of ice cream. Thank you very much!!

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