Thursday, June 12, 2008

Whoa...I feel dizzy

Run: 6.64 miles, 1:00:19 minutes, 9:04 average pace

So, I did a 6 mile run today. It was my first in a while, and all I remember thinking is, "why isn't this enjoyable to me?" I'm just going to let it go and believe that it's all because I haven't ran in a while and I put on five pounds. Soon enough I will be down to my 118 pounds and working harder and enjoying it more than ever.

To get back on topic: my current runs (3 yesterday and 6 today) have left me in a state of woozy, dizzy, nauseousness. It really sucked. I have been dizzy for two days now and it's making me sick. I don't know if I should attribute it to the running or if it's something different. I am going to the doctor tomorrow morning to hopefully figure out the cause. No matter, I will keep on running. I'm going for an 8 miler this weekend!

Dizzy, Cunfused
I thought moving to North Dakota I wouldn't find very many runners-but I have been proved quite wrong. I already have a training partner for the Air Force Marathon (September 20) who is really pumped up about it. Motivation will keep us fit.

1 comment:

Andrew is getting fit said...

Maybe you are overdoing it a bit?