Monday, April 28, 2008

A beautiful sunrise this morning


Nike Plus Recorded: 6.02 miles, 51:45 minutes, 8:35 min/mile pace

I planned on running just 3 miles this morning, but I ended up running 6. For some reason I just kept going, and it felt GREAT. I usually do my long runs on the weekends, but this weekend I didn't--for whatever reason. Mostly, I just maybe this 6 miler was what I really needed to jump start my week. Either way, I was able to witness a beautiful sunrise that put a smile on my face for the rest of the day. One of the best things I have found about running is the ability to put my mind at ease and think clearly. Between my blissful thoughts and the colors radiating from the sky, there was no way this would end up being a bad run.

My knees aren't really hurting. I wrapped them up after the run and I'm icing them now (as soon as I got home from work). Hopefully, with all of this TLC, they will give me more miles and still be usable when I'm an old fart.

Next run day: Wednesday

1 comment:

Andrew is getting fit said...

Some days it all just comes together doesn't it?