Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Run: No run, another walk with Ben and the pups. Instead of the usual trail we went on a trail up the side of a mountain leading towards a timeworn "castle" footprint. Hard to say how long it was, probably around 1-2 miles

This picture is from our walk today. I thought I would share a little bit of the scenery that we spend hiking around over here in Italy. We actually hiked up a new trail today and with all of the rain this past week, we were slipping and sliding all over the side of the mountain. When we finally got up to the "castle" we didn't realize that it was one until it dawned on us that there weren't many of them scattered around the mountainside. It was beautiful, and crazy knowing that it could be centuries old.

Going up the mountain proved to be a long haul. Not only we were sliding all over the place, but we had the dogs under our feet. They seemed to be mocking us as the would run ahead 50 yards or so, look gazingly back at us, then run back towards our direction full speed as if this were all fun and games. Also, there was a bit of wash-out so, the trail literally stopped-became a cliff-then started again. That was pretty interesting to get across. Getting up the mountain was quite the work out. My calves got the brute of it all and my knees held up extremely well, considering the circumstances. Even on the way down, they felt pretty good. I imagine it helps that this hike was mostly on a mossy, leafy, muddy trail. Easy terrain for the legs, compared to concrete. All in all, I'd say the endorphines gained from this adventure are just about equal to the ones I get from one of my 5Ks :)

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